Author Archives: admin


in News

Obituary – Br. Gerard Stephen Develin SSS

Br Gerard Develin was born at St Margaret’s Maternity Hospital in Darlinghurst, New South Wales on 4 August 1940, the son of chemist and optometrist Gerald Stephen Develin and his wife Alice Mary (née Dunne)....

August 11, 2017
in Fr.Tony

Compassionate Kindness and Invincible Patience

It was a bizarre sight – a rowdy group of ragged urchins pursued by a middle-aged priest in his cassock. Overtaking the stragglers he got their attention. Curious, the leaders began to drift back. Soon...

August 03, 2017
in Fr.Tony

..”like the dewfall”

Oops! Where did that come from? Many a Mass-goer has wondered what this poetic image might be doing suddenly popping up in the priest’s prayer over the bread and wine. Unexpected, but also unfamiliar. What’s...

June 01, 2017
in News

Congratulations – Fr. Philip Watkins SSS

Fr. Philip Watkins SSS Community Leader at St. Peter Julian’s Church in Sydney, Vicar and member of the Provincial Leadership Team, Fr. Philip celebrates 30 years of Profession in February. Originally from New Zealand, Fr....

February 02, 2017
in Fr.Ed


ADORATION Is to have a sense of awe Is to have a sense of wonder To sense something greater than ourselves To sense finiteness To be silent before mystery To be moved to: Praise Thanksgiving...

October 31, 2016
in Fr.Ed

The Eucharist

Fr.Ed’s reflections on “The Eucharist” have been digitized and are available here

October 31, 2016
in Fr.Ed

Eucharistic Spirituality

The religious who minister at St. Francis’ Church, Melbourne live this spirituality every day of their lives. However, if a person was to ask what it is, then it would be quite a challenge to...

October 31, 2016
in Fr.Ed

Stepping Stones

It seems difficult to imagine a person who does not seek peace of heart in one way or another. Such a search is not easy and many paths may be taken before a person finds...

October 31, 2016