Holy Week Liturgies

Holy Thursday, 17th April

Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper: 6:00pm
There are no 7:30am, 12:10pm or 5:30pm Masses this day.

Good Friday, 18th April

Stations of the Cross: 10:30am
Celebration of the Passion: 3:00pm

Holy Saturday, 19th April

Easter Vigil:  7:00pm
There are no 12:10pm or 5:30pm Masses this day.

Easter Sunday, 20th April

9:30am (English), 11:00am (Chinese),
12:30pm (English), 3:30pm (English)
5:00pm (Korean)

Easter Monday, 21st April (Public Holiday)

Mass: 12:10pm (Only)

No Novena on Wednesday 23rd April and Friday 25th April


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