Death notice – Fr Marcellus Glynn, SSS

Fr Marcellus Glynn died peacefully at Catholic Healthcare MacKillop House, Norwest, on Saturday 16th November 2024, aged 90.

Marcellus was professed in the Blessed Sacrament Congregation on 27th February 1961 in Toowoomba and ordained to the priesthood on 8th July 1967.
Fr Marcellus served the Lord faithfully and generously over many years accepting appointments with the Australian Province and mainly residing at the St Francis’ Community House, Melbourne, and St Peter Julian’s Community House, Sydney.

He is missed by his extended family, his SSS brothers, the Associates from the Eucharistic Fraternity, and his many friends. He will be remembered for his gentleness, prayerfulness and cheeky smile. At peace in the Lord’s embrace.

Funeral Mass on Monday 25th November 2024 at 10am, at St Peter Julian’s Church, Haymarket, NSW; followed by private burial with SSS and family in attendance.


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